Wednesday 2 December 2009

First Blog... So here goes.

Well this is my 1st attempt at blogging. It has no other purpose than to help me exorcise my demons, past and present. Although I am hoping that it will provide inspiration and motivation to myself to change the lifestyle I lead. Generally I feel that I am a good person, but there has been occasions when I have been a less than appropriate friend, family member, colleague.

This is the purpose of my first attempt, to rid me of the demons past. Hopefully, this will lead onto my aspirations, of which there are many: fitness, stamina, improved health, better attitude on life, treatment of others. The reason behind the adult warning is my frankness about every aspect of my life. It will all be laid bare here for all to read. Some aspects of that may not be suitable for readers sensitive to explicit narratives on my sex life, drinking binges, drug abuse; nonetheless I feel I must tackle every subject that may be taboo to get to where I want to be.

The name behind the title of this blog is cyclical. I once said when I was a naive 15 year old who thought he knew everything, that I wanted to complete the London Marathon by the time I was 27. I am now 29 and have barely walked a mile of the route through my times in London.

When I was in my early 20's through to my mid/late 20's, I earned the nickname 'Marathon Man', for very different reasons. I had developed an incredible tolerance to alcohol and drugs, you name it, I've probably had it. I could drink a litre of spirits and still make my way to a club where I would consume at least another bottle to wash down various narcotics. But, this would not just be an average night out using recreational drugs, this would carry on throughout the next day and possibly the next. There was never enough and I would never be the one to decree 'The night is over'. Hence the name Marathon Man. I would literally go for days without sleep or food, I was never alone, but I was never the one who nipped off for a couple of hours sleep or a bite to eat. Somewhere the would always be something going on.

I would turn up to work with hangovers and comedowns, without a 2nd thought. Now here's the secret to getting away with it... I was working in bars and nightclubs. Being surrounded by that lifestyle enabled me to adopt this hedonism with ease. Nobody questioned a dilated pupil or brandy breath any time of day or night. Getting away with it was so easy that it spiraled out of control and at my worst I was consuming up to 8 or 9 bottles of spirits and 8 grams of cocaine per week. Not to mention the odd ecstasy tablet/wrap of amphetamine/tab of acid/enter the drug of choice at the time...

Time took it's toll and even though the drug abuse faded, I now hold a pretty severe alcohol addiction, cigarettes I devour at least 30 a day and despite my move to London leading to a drop in weight by around 3 stones, I am still around 5 stone overweight. So I am kicking the cigarettes and the booze in an attempt to shift the last of my weight and start my return to health.

Which leads me to the final arc of the circle. I intend on take up running in the new year. I want to be that marathon man from my teenage years. I will run a 10k in May and am going to spend the next 16 months gearing up for the London Marathon of 2011. I turn 30 next July and want to be able to say my 20's were great, but my 30's are going to be even better.

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